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Attendance Policy

At Oquirrh Hills Middle School, our faculty and staff have established an exemplary track record of helping students be successful; however, it is very difficult to help students who are not at school. Consistent attendance at OHMS is essential for success. If parents will work with their students to emphasize regular attendance, our faculty and staff will do their part and make learning time worthwhile.

What the School Will Do!

  • We will provide engaging daily instruction to help students prepare for future years of school and for life.
  • We strive to take accurate daily attendance in all classrooms.
  • We will work with students who miss school to get them caught up in a timely manner.
  • Curriculum and schedule adjustments can take place if necessary to meet the needs of the student.

Parents - Here's How You Can Help.

  • Stay positive in your conversations about the importance of school attendance.
  • Set standards in the home regarding bed time so that students get plenty of sleep.
  • Stay in touch with teachers if absences occur so students do not fall behind.
  • Absences & tardies can be excused by calling the attendance office at 801-412-2355 within 5 school days. These cannot be excused by email.
  • Students who leave campus without a guardian can not be excused.
  • Work with administration and/or counselors if students are struggling to attend for whatever reason. 801-412-2350

Students - Here's How You Can Help.

  • Understand that you have a team of teachers, counselors, and administrators who are on your side and want to help you be successful.
  • Regular attendance is important.
  • Get to bed at a reasonable time on school nights.
  • You are responsible for the work you missed, so reach out to your teacher through Canvas or email to find out what you can do to make things up
  • Develop the mindset of coming to school (on time) every day.